Selasa, 17 April 2012

Zodiak Hari Ini

Zodiak “ Ramalan Bintang ” Hari Ini 16 April s/d 22 April񎧜 - Ramalan Bintang Minggu ini merupakan artikel ramalan bintang Update terbaru mingguan ataupun harian versi dunia konyol yang berisi tentang ramalan bintang untuk umum, cinta, keuangan, kesehatan, hari baik, nomor keberuntungan dan warna keberuntungan. langsung aja yah ke zodiak hari ini
zodiak 16-22 April 2ዌ Libra
Beberapa hal aneh dan orang yang kurang menyenangkan ternyata tidak menyurutkan semangat Anda minggu ini. Bahkan Anda dapat menghadapi hal-hal tersebut dengan sangat dewasa dan emosi yang stabil. Tidak mudah bagi Anda untuk suka pada orang baru, tetapi setidaknya Anda tetap bisa bersikap ramah dan menyambut mereka di lingkungan Anda. Anda menginspirasi sebagian orang terdekat Anda, namun jangan dijadikan beban dan selalu berusaha harus bersikap sempurna ya.
Sekalipun mungkin keuangan sedang tidak baik, namun Anda selalu punya cara untuk menghabiskan waktu yang romantis bersama pasangan. Minggu ini memang cukup baik dan semuanya berjalan lancar bagi Anda. Anda dapat mengontrol emosi sehingga permasalahan apapun yang Anda hadapi tidak sampai berlarut-larut. Tips bagi Anda yang berpasangan, saat si dia sudah mulai membuka pembicaraan tentang masa lalu, sebaiknya alihkan saja agar tak menambah beban pikirannya.
Karier & Keuangan
Jangan biarkan kreativitas Anda sia-sia hanya karena orang lain yang tak memberikan kesempatan pada Anda. Andalah yang seharusnya mencari dan mengejar kesempatan itu. Mengandalkan orang lain untuk beberapa tugas sebaiknya tidak dilakukan minggu ini. Itu hanya akan menghambat pekerjaan Anda saja. Kehidupan keluarga Anda akan cukup tergantung pada karier Anda, sehingga tak ada waktu lagi untuk bersantai dan bermalas-malasan kali ini.
Ramalan zodiak 16-22 April 2012 Scorpio
Yang Anda butuhkan minggu ini adalah perhatian dan tetap dekat dengan keluarga sehingga kepercayaan diri Anda dapat meningkat. Anda yang punya kebiasaan terlalu cemas dan berpikiran negatif terhadap sesuatu akan lebih mudah tenang di tengah keluarga. Baiknya memang Anda menjaga dengan baik emosi Anda, jangan sampai mood Anda naik turun tak beraturan. Tak perlu menjabarkan panjang lebar pancingan pertanyaan dari orang yang usil dan hanya ingin tahu urusan pribadi Anda. Jawab saja seperlunya dengan jawaban yang cerdas. Di akhir minggu ini Anda jauh lebih bersemangat, terutama saat orang terdekat Anda membawa kabar gembira dan membutuhkan bantuan Anda.
Jangan terkejut apabila muncul ide-ide gila di minggu ini yang memang di luar pemikiran Anda biasanya. Beberapa hal yang Anda temui mungkin adalah hal yang baru, lebih baik terbuka dan tak perlu menutup diri. Percaya diri adalah kuncinya di minggu ini. Berada di tengah orang-orang yang memberikan dukungan bagi Anda akan menambah kepercayaan diri Anda. Berpasangan: lebih baik memperhatikan kesehatan juga ketimbang Anda memaksa untuk selalu menemani si dia padahal Anda sedang tidak fit. Si dia juga pasti akan mengerti hal itu kok. Belajarlah untuk sellau jujur pada pasangan, karena tak semua hal selalu seperti yang Anda pikirkan.
Karier & Keuangan
Sekali lagi, kepercayaan diri adalah hal yang terpenting bagi Anda untuk tetap sukses dalam segala hal, khususnya dalam hal karier. Apabila memang saat ini pekerjaan yang Anda emban sedang mengalami surut, tentunya Anda harus tetap berpikir positif. Semua pekerjaan toh pernah mengalami pasang surut. Anda hanya perlu bersabar untuk menunggu hingga pasang naik lagi. Poin penting di akhir minggu adalah cara menghadapi konsumen yang menjengkelkan tak harus dilawan dengan cara menjengkelkan. Tuntutan untuk tetap ramah dan memasang senyum harus Anda turuti sekalipun di dalam hati Anda sudah jengkel.
Untuk selengkapnya saya posting di blog saya yang satu lagi => Zodiak Hari Ini

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Watch One Tree Hill Season 9 Episode 10

Watch One Tree Hill Season 9 Episode 10 s09e10 Hardcore Will Never Die But You Will

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Watch One Tree Hill Season 9 Episode 10 s09e10 Streaming Online Free

Airing date 3.14.2012
Dan, Julian and Chris Keller attempt to rescue Nathan. Brooke’s conflict with Xavier escalates. Quinn and Clay revisit the past.

This series follows the eventful lives of some high-school kids in Tree Hill, a small but not too quiet town in North Carolina, where the greatest source of pride is the high school basketball team, the Ravens. Season eight of “One Tree Hill” saw the characters moving away from glamour, fame and wealth and instead dealing with the delicate balance that contemporary twenty-somethings face as they endeavor to build and define what their lives will be. Season nine will continue to grow and break new ground, as the show approaches the rarified air of 200 episodes.
Aside from a love for hoops, it would seem that Lucas and Nathan are two young men with little in common, but they are bound by the dark secret that they share the same father.
Arrogant and assured, Nathan is the star of the high school basketball team and hails from a wealthy family. Quiet and driven, Lucas is the only child of a single working mom. He is also a legendary playground basketball player.
After growing up on opposite sides of the tracks in the same small town of Tree Hill, North Carolina, the two boys’ lives suddenly collide when a twist of fate puts Lucas on Nathan’s high school basketball team and the half-brothers compete, not only for control of the court, but also for the heart of Nathan’s beautiful girlfriend Peyton Sawyer.

The smash hit teen drama calls our attention for just being the mirror to what happens in the lives of two half brothers, Lucas and Nathan.In fact, I would like to admit that most of my friends who have been following the show since its inception, love to take into account the nitty-gritty of those people who revolve around the Scott duo.
One Tree Hill Season 9 Episode 10, is likely to open to us the problems of ‘other people’, and I must tell that it’s going to add fuel to the already charged up situation.You got me right. The tension between Brooke and Xavier is going to aggravate further. What happened at Karen’s party will have its repercussion in the coming segment.
Brooke isn’t confirm whether the party spoiler was Xavier or Tara. And that confusion would hit her badly forcing to lose her mind completely. Expect a yelling Brooke!

Watch Modern Family Season 3 Episode 18

Watch Modern Family Season 3 Episode 18 s03e18 Send Out the Clowns
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Watch Modern Family Season 3 Episode 18 s03e18 Streaming Online Free

Airing date 3.14.2012
The funeral service for a beloved clown mentor reunites Cameron with his estranged ex-clown partner, Lewis (Bobby Cannavale); Phil is serious about landing a very important listing, only to get trumped by a notorious bulldozer of an agent, Verna Roth (Ellen Barkin); and Manny has a cool new friend, which makes both Jay and Gloria suspicious.

A Dutch filmmaker records the lives of three families, including one he stayed with as an exchange student. In one household, the dad works and the mom stays at home with their kids; in another, a gay couple experiences first-time fatherhood with the Vietnamese child they just adopted; and in the third home a 60-year old man becomes an instant father when he marries a thirtysomething Latina mother. Shot documentary-style. Modern Family won six Emmy Awards, including the one for Outstanding Comedy Series. It also brought home a Peabody Award, Writers Guild Award, Directors Guilds Award and Television Critics Award.
“Modern Family” tells the story of not one family but three families. These families are very different from each other and live an interesting but pretty realistic lives. One family is that of the gay couple Mitchell and Cameron who have chosen to adopt an Asian baby. Their daughter is named Lily. Another family comprises of a 70 year old man named Jay, his 30 year old voluptuous Columbian wife named Gloria and their ten year old son Manny. And the last family is the much more standard type of family consisting of a father, mother and kids. The parents are Phil and Clair while the kids are Haley, Alex and Luke. And did I mention that they are all related in some way or another.
The sitcom, “Modern Family”, explores the different types of family in these modern times documentary style. A Dutch documentary crew has chosen to follow the lives of these families which they intend to include in their reality based show set to air in Netherlands. As the crew “tapes” the everyday lives of this family, the viewers are treated with hilarious yet quite realistic situations that anyone belonging in a family can relate to. It gets even funnier when the family’s lives intersect with each other. “Modern Family” is certainly not run of the mill TV sitcom where it only aim to get viewers laughing their heart out. There are moral lessons to learn, too